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Lighting Project: Our Custom Lighting Design

To achieve maximum perfection in a lighting project, it is necessary to integrate various skills and professional figures. Working in a team, the group converges in a goal, has a common objective, works in close collaboration, and shares the benefits of success. "A good leader attracts good collaborators, or in some cases, simply instills them with his magnetism." Swami Kriyanand

Following this philosophy, we propose custom lighting design tailored to the type of project. The team of designers must work together to obtain the best lighting solution, being able to combine the customer's requests, the regulations in force, visual well-being and the quality of light, which changes from project to project.

So every custom lighting project is unique and there are no rules to illuminate well. Architecture is our second skin, so all its components must be designed in detail, and nothing should be taken for granted. With our work, we would like to sensitize designers to invest their time collaborating with us to give the right quality to lighting projects.

Our Philosophy 

We need to gain the perspective that light is not an accessory but a fundamental part of the architectural project. Custom lighting? How many times have I heard what that means? Let's think about what our life would be like without artificial light. Does it still seem so superfluous that we add it at the last minute, together with curtains and flowerpots?

Fortunately, lighting design culture is spreading and clients are beginning to develop sensitivity towards the theme of light. We should remember that sight is the most predominant of our senses. Good custom lighting design adds quality to the places that we inhabit on a daily basis. The secret is to choose the right source for the visual task, place it in the right fixture, and position it correctly in the environment.